Friday, October 18, 2013

Critically Thinking

1)What would happen if something were to change the landscape of the evergreen forest?
If the landscape were to change in some way then not as much sunlight would reach below the tree tops, so there wouldn't be as many small plants and shrubbery.
2)What if the temperature were to rise or lower significantly?
If the temperature were to rise or fall, many of the animals and plants would die because they are accustomed to the hot and humid temperature of about 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
3)What if a developer wanted  to build on the land; What if an animal becomes extinct?
If a developer wanted to build on an area of land they would have to clear the whole area, destroying the homes of whatever animals lived there.
If an animal were to become extinct, then the carnivores that ate that animal would have to find another animal to eat and or over eat other prey they usually eat
4)What if a plant were destroyed; or if the rainfall greatly increased or decreased? 
If a type of plant were to be destroyed depending on what plant in was a number of animals could lose their home or food source.
If the rainfall were to greatly increase then the small plant life and shrubs on the forest floor would drown. But if it greatly decreased then the plants wouldn't get enough water. Either way plants would die because there only used to receiving a certain amount of water.

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